Fixpoint prop {Σ} (c : context Σ) : iProp Σ := match c with
| Empty => True
| Var _ T => T
| And c1 c2 => prop c1 ∧ prop c2
| Sep c1 c2 => prop c1 ∗ prop c2
| Constrain P c => ∃ _ : P, prop c
Definition var {Σ} : string -> iProp Σ -> context Σ := Var.
Theorem var_spec {Σ} v (T : iProp Σ) : prop (var v T) ⊢ T.
Proof. done. Qed.
Definition constrain {Σ} (P : Prop) (ctx : context Σ) : context Σ :=
if ctx is Constrain Q c then Constrain (P ∧ Q) c else Constrain P ctx.
Theorem constrain_spec {Σ} P (ctx : context Σ)
: prop (constrain P ctx) ⊢ ∃ _ : P, prop ctx.
Proof. case ctx; intros; try done; simpl.
apply: bi.exist_elim. move=> [w1 w2].
by do 2 apply: bi.exist_intro'.
Definition sep {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ) :=
if c1 is Empty then c2 else if c2 is Empty then c1 else Sep c1 c2.
Theorem sep_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop (sep c1 c2) ⊢ prop c1 ∗ prop c2.
by case c1; case c2; intros; simpl;
try rewrite bi.emp_sep; try rewrite bi.sep_emp.
Definition and {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ) :=
if c1 is Empty then c2 else if c2 is Empty then c1 else And c1 c2.
Theorem and_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop (and c1 c2) ⊢ prop c1 ∧ prop c2.
by case c1; case c2; intros; simpl;
try rewrite bi.True_and; try rewrite bi.and_True.
Fixpoint bind_help {Σ} (var : string) (c : context Σ) : context Σ
:= match c with
| Empty => Empty
| Var var' T => if decide (var = var') then Empty else Var var' T
| And c1 c2 => and (bind_help var c1) (bind_help var c2)
| Sep c1 c2 => sep (bind_help var c1) (bind_help var c2)
| Constrain P c => Constrain P (bind_help var c)
Fixpoint lookup_help {Σ} (var : string) (c : context Σ)
: option (iProp Σ * uses.uses * Prop)
:= match c with
| Empty => None
| Var var' P =>
if decide (var = var')
then Some (P,, True)
else None
| And c1 c2 => union_with
(λ '(P1, u1, constraints1) '(P2, u2, constraints2), Some
( P1, uses.and u1 u2, constraints1 ∧ constraints2 ∧ P1 = P2)
(lookup_help var c1)
(lookup_help var c2)
| Sep c1 c2 => union_with
(λ '(P1, u1, constraints1) '(P2, u2, constraints2), Some
( P1, uses.sep u1 u2, constraints1 ∧ constraints2 ∧ P1 = P2)
(lookup_help var c1)
(lookup_help var c2)
| Constrain P c => lookup_help var c
Lemma bind_help_spec {Σ} var (c : context Σ)
: match lookup_help var c with
| None => prop (bind_help var c) ⊢ prop c
| Some (P, uses, constraints) =>
constraints -> prop (bind_help var c) ∗ uses.prop uses P ⊢ prop c
elim c; simpl.
- done.
- move=> var' P.
case: (decide (var = var')).
+ by rewrite uses.one_spec bi.emp_sep.
+ done.
- move=> c1; case: (lookup_help var c1) => [[[u1 P1] constraints1]|] H1;
move=> c2; case: (lookup_help var c2) => [[[u2 P2] constraints2]|] H2;
simpl; rewrite and_spec; simpl;
[ move=>[/H1 w1 [/H2 w2 eq]]
| move: H2 => w2 /H1 w1
| move: H1 => w1 /H2 w2
| move: H1 H2 => w1 w2
(apply: transitivity; last (apply: bi.and_mono; [apply: w1 | apply: w2]));
last done; (apply: transitivity; first apply: bi.sep_and_r).
+ rewrite eq.
apply: bi.and_mono; apply: bi.sep_mono_r; rewrite uses.and_spec;
[apply: bi.and_elim_l | apply: bi.and_elim_r].
+ apply: bi.and_mono_r.
rewrite -{2}[prop _]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono_r.
apply: bi.True_intro.
+ apply: bi.and_mono_l.
rewrite -{2}[prop _]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono_r.
apply: bi.True_intro.
- move=> c1; case: (lookup_help var c1) => [[[u1 P1] constraints1]|] H1;
move=> c2; case: (lookup_help var c2) => [[[u2 P2] constraints2]|] H2;
simpl; rewrite sep_spec; simpl;
[ move=>[/H1 w1 [/H2 w2 eq]]
| move: H2 => w2 /H1 w1
| move: H1 => w1 /H2 w2
| move: H1 H2 => w1 w2
(apply: transitivity; last (apply: bi.sep_mono; [apply: w1 | apply: w2])).
+ rewrite eq uses.sep_spec.
rewrite bi.sep_assoc bi.sep_assoc; apply: bi.sep_mono_l.
rewrite -bi.sep_assoc -bi.sep_assoc; apply: bi.sep_mono_r.
by rewrite bi.sep_comm.
+ by rewrite
[(prop (bind_help var c2) ∗ _)%I]bi.sep_comm
+ by rewrite bi.sep_assoc.
+ done.
- move=> P c1.
case: (lookup_help var c1) => [[[u T] constraints]|].
+ move=> H; move /H; clear H.
move=> H.
rewrite bi.sep_exist_r.
apply: bi.exist_elim => w.
by apply: bi.exist_intro'.
+ move=> H.
apply: bi.exist_elim => w.
by apply: bi.exist_intro'.
Definition bind {Σ} (var : string) (ctx : context Σ) : context Σ :=
let c := bind_help var ctx in
match lookup_help var ctx with
| Some (_, _, constraints) => constrain constraints c
| None => c
Definition lookup {Σ} (var : string) (ctx : context Σ)
: option (iProp Σ * uses.uses)
:= option_map fst (lookup_help var ctx).
Theorem bind_spec {Σ} var (c : context Σ)
: match lookup var c with
| None => emp
| Some (P, uses) => (uses.prop uses P)
end ∗ prop (bind var c) ⊢
prop c.
rewrite /lookup /bind.
move: (bind_help_spec var c).
case: (lookup_help var c) => [[[T1 u1] constraints1]|] H; simpl.
- apply: transitivity; first (apply: bi.sep_mono_r; apply: constrain_spec).
rewrite bi.sep_exist_l.
apply: bi.exist_elim.
by rewrite bi.sep_comm.
- by rewrite bi.emp_sep.
Definition toplevel {Σ} (ctx : context Σ) : Prop := match ctx with
| Empty => True
| Constrain P Empty => P
| _ => error ("Variables not in scope.")
Definition toplevel_spec {Σ} (ctx : context Σ) : toplevel ctx -> ⊢ prop ctx
:= match ctx with
| Empty => fun 'I => bi.True_intro emp
| Constrain P Empty => bi.exist_intro
| _ => error_elim
End context_simpl_impl.