author = {Clark W. Barrett and Roberto Sebastiani and Sanjit A. Seshia and Cesare Tinelli},
booktitle = {Handbook of Satisfiability},
publisher = {{IOS} Press},
title = {Satisfiability Modulo Theories},
year = {2009},
editor = {Armin Biere and Marijn Heule and Hans van Maaren and Toby Walsh},
pages = {825--885},
series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
volume = {185},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.3233/978-1-58603-929-5-825},
file = {:/home/paradyx/MA/literatur/walsh2009sat.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {Fri, 06 May 2022 08:00:40 +0200},
url = {},
author = {Erika {\'{A}}brah{\'{a}}m and Gereon Kremer},
booktitle = {19th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, {SYNASC} 2017, Timisoara, Romania, September 21-24, 2017},
title = {{SMT} Solving for Arithmetic Theories: Theory and Tool Support},
year = {2017},
editor = {Tudor Jebelean and Viorel Negru and Dana Petcu and Daniela Zaharie and Tetsuo Ida and Stephen M. Watt},
pages = {1--8},
publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.1109/SYNASC.2017.00009},
timestamp = {Fri, 24 Mar 2023 00:01:57 +0100},
url = {},
editor = {Armin Biere and Marijn Heule and Hans van Maaren and Toby Walsh},
publisher = {{IOS} Press},
title = {Handbook of Satisfiability},
year = {2009},
isbn = {978-1-58603-929-5},
series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
volume = {185},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,},
biburl = {},
file = {:/home/paradyx/MA/literatur/walsh2009sat.pdf:PDF},
timestamp = {Fri, 06 May 2022 08:00:40 +0200},
This chapter will present the implementation of a (sub-\gls{scc})
partial-evaluation with property-based abstraction as described in the previous
\Cref{ch:theory}. In \Sref{sec:implementation} the implementation is described
using pseudo-code focusing mostly on the practical aspects of the partial
evaluation. \Sref{sec:abstract_domain} will briefly discuss the possible
abstract domains and the reasons why we decided to use the abstract domain of
Polyhedra. \Sref{sec:loop_heads} will focus on the different possibilities to
mark locations for abstraction, which is part of the history-dependent aspect of
the abstraction layer. \Sref{sec:technical_details} describes the technical
details of the actual implementation and finally in \Sref{sec:performance} the
correctness and performance of the implementation is evaluated practically.
Recall \ref{def:runtime_complexity}; the newly constructed refined program shall
have they have the same worst-case expected runtime complexity as the original
program which implies that runtime-complexity bounds found for the refined
program are also runtime-complexity bounds for the original one. Naturally the
control-flow refinement will add and replace transitions and locations, hence
the number runtime-complexity bounds and size-bounds of each transition won't
be preserved. However we will show, that each transition in the refined program
is a similar to a transition in the original program and hence every run in the
new program has a run of equal runtime-complexity and probability in the
original program and vice-versa.
Recall Definition\ref{def:runtime_complexity}; the newly constructed refined
program shall have the same worst-case expected runtime complexity as the
original program which implies that runtime-complexity bounds found for the
refined program are also runtime-complexity bounds for the original one.
Naturally the control-flow refinement will add and replace transitions and
locations, hence the number runtime-complexity bounds and size-bounds of each
transition won't be preserved. However we will show, that each transition in the
refined program is a similar to a transition in the original program and hence
every run in the new program has a run of equal runtime-complexity and
probability in the original program and vice-versa.
are temporary variables whose values reassigned by the scheduler on every
transition and whose values do not propagate throughout the program.
are temporary variables whose values are reassigned by the scheduler on
every transition and whose values do not propagate throughout the program.
complex, since the transition taken do not only depend on the current state but
also on the answer of the scheduler and some random event. Instead of simulating
every single possible run, it would be nice to treat \emph{similar} states as
one. Instead of simulating a single assignment, the set of all possible
assignments after a step is described by a set of constraints. The resulting
graph is called a \emph{partial evaluation graph}. It was formalized for
\glspl{chc} by \citeauthor{gallagher2019eptcs}\cite{gallagher2019eptcs}. In this
thesis the definitions are adapted to better fit the algorithm and the formalism
of \Glspl{pip}.
complex, since the transition taken does not only depend on the current state
but also on the answer of the scheduler and some random event. Instead of
simulating every single possible run, it would be nice to treat \emph{similar}
states as one. Instead of simulating a single assignment, the set of all
possible assignments after a step is described by a set of constraints. The
resulting graph is called a \emph{partial evaluation graph}. It was formalized
for \glspl{chc} by \citeauthor{gallagher2019eptcs}\cite{gallagher2019eptcs}. In
this thesis the definitions are adapted to better fit the algorithm and the
formalism of \Glspl{pip}.
For any $\varphi\in\Phi_\PV$, probabilistic update $\eta : \PV \rightarrow
\Z[\V\union\D]$, if there exists an $s\in \Sigma$ with $s\models\varphi$
For any $\varphi\in\Phi_\PV$ and probabilistic update $\eta : \PV
\rightarrow \Z[\V\union\D]$, if there exists an $s\in \Sigma$ with
$s\models\varphi$ then
\textit{true}\rangle$ is evaluated over the transition $t_1$,
resulting in a single new version $\langle \ell_1, \textit{true}\rangle$. The
second unfolding steps, unfolds $\langle \ell_1,
\textit{true}\rangle$ over $t_3$ to $\langle \ell_2, x\leq0\rangle$ and over
$t_2$ to $\langle \ell_1, x>1\rangle$. $\ell_2$ has no outgoing transitions,
hence no new transitions are added.
$\langle \ell_1, x>1\rangle$ is unfolded to $\langle \ell_1, x>2\rangle$
over $t_2$ only since the guard of $t_3$ is not satisfiable from within $x >
2$. The new version is unfolded over and aver again, until end of time.
\textit{true}\rangle$ is evaluated over the transition $t_1$, resulting in a
single new version $\langle \ell_1, \textit{true}\rangle$. The second
unfolding steps, unfolds $\langle \ell_1, \textit{true}\rangle$ over $t_3$
to $\langle \ell_2, x\leq0\rangle$ and over $t_2$ to $\langle \ell_1,
x>1\rangle$. $\ell_2$ has no outgoing transitions, hence no new transitions
are added. $\langle \ell_1, x>1\rangle$ is unfolded to $\langle \ell_1,
x>2\rangle$ over $t_2$ only since the guard of $t_3$ is not satisfiable from
within $x > 2$. The new version is unfolded over and after again, until the
end of time.
\textbf{Claim:} For any finite prefix $f \in \fpath_\Prog'$ there exists a
finite prefix $\varf' \in \fpath_\Prog$ for which
\textbf{Claim:} Let $s_0\in\Sigma$ be an initial state. For any finite
prefix $f \in \fpath_\Prog'$ with probability $\prSs(\varf) > 0$ there
exists a finite prefix $\varf' \in \fpath_\Prog$ for which
\textbf{Induction start:} $n = 0$. Let $f_0 = c_0 = (\langle \ell_0,
\texttt{true}\rangle, t_\text{in}, s_0) \in \fpath_\Prog'$ which is the only
initial configuration with non-zero probability $\prSs(f_0) = 1$. We set
$\varf'_0 = c'_0 = (\ell_0, t_\text{in}, s_0)$ which is by construction the
only valid starting configuration of $\Prog'$ with $\prSns(c'_0) = 1$.
\textbf{Induction start:} $n = 0$.
\textbf{Induction step.} Assume the induction hypothesis holds for $n \in
\N$. Let $f_{n+1} = c_0\dots{}c_nc_{n+1} \in \fpath_{\Prog'}$ of length $n+1
\in \N$ be an admissible prefix with probability $\prSs(f_{n+1})>0$, then
$f_n = c_0\dots{}c_{n}$ of length $n$ is also admissible with $\prSs(f_n) >
0$. By induction hypothesis a finite prefix $\varf'_n = c'_0\dots{}c'_{n}
\in \fpath_{\Prog}$ of equal length and probability exists.
Let $c_{n+1} = (\langle \ell_{n+1}, \_ \rangle, t_{n+1}, s_{n+1}) \in
\confs_{\Prog'}$. We set $c'_{n+1} = (\ell_{n+1}, \bar{t}_{n+1}, s_{n+1})$
to be the last configuration of $\varf'_{n+1}=\varf'_{n}c'_{n+1}$.
Let $g\in\GTPn$, and $\tilde{s} \in \Sigma$ be the general transition and
assignment selected by the scheduler $\scheduler(c_{n+1}) = (g, \tilde{s})$.
\todo{continue here}
$s_0 \in \Sigma$ be any starting state. For any scheduler $\scheduler
\in \Pi_\text{MD}$ let $\scheduler' \in\Pi_\text{HD}$ be constructed as
in Lemma \ref{lem:constrfleq}.\todo{lemma Rückrichtung fehlt}
Analogously to Theorem \ref{thm:correctness} the following relation
$s_0 \in \Sigma$ be any initial state. For any scheduler $\scheduler \in
\MDS_{\Prog'}$ let $\scheduler' \in \HDS_\Prog$ be constructed as in
Lemma \ref{lem:constrfgeq}. Analogously to Theorem \ref{thm:correctness}
the following relation holds:
It is known from literature that for a markovian decision process the
best expected reward using a history dependent scheduler is the same as
the best expected reward using a markovian scheduler(see. Theorem
\todo{cite literature} of \cite{puterman1994markov}). Since a run on the
program is equivalent to a markovian decision process as explained in
\Sref{ssec:markov}, the Theorem applies to the expected value and the
following holds:
By Lemma \ref{lem:hdsvsmds} the fact that we used a history dependent
scheduler doesn't matter in the supremum and we get
\sup_{\scheduler \in \MDS}(\ESs(\Rt(\Prog))) \leq \sup_{\scheduler'
\in \HDS}(\ESns(\Rt(\Prog'))) = \sup_{\scheduler' \in
\sup_{\scheduler \in \HDS_\Prog}(\ESs(\Rt_\Prog)) \leq
\sup_{\scheduler \in \HDS_{\Prog}}(\ESs(\Rt_{\Prog'})) \\
new program has a worst-case expected runtime and worst-case expected cost at
least as large as the original program. Hence any bounds found for the partial
evaluation are bounds for the original program. Theorem \ref{thm:thightness} has
shown additionally, that the worst-case expected runtime and costs don't get
worse with a partial evaluation.
In \Sref{sec:partialevaluation} the abstraction was represented by an oracle,
that decides if the location is abstracted and an abstraction function. It was
stated that Algorithm \ref{alg:evaluate_abstr} terminates if
\item the oracle eventually always decides to abstract, and
\item the abstraction has only a finite number of results.
First, we will discuss some possibilities to select the locations for
abstraction, and then adapt the properties based abstraction developed by
\citeauthor{Domenech19}\cite{Domenech19} for probabilistic integer programs.
new program has a worst-case expected runtime at least as large as the original
program. Hence any bounds found for the partial evaluation are bounds for the
original program. Theorem \ref{thm:thightness} has shown additionally, that the
worst-case expected runtime and costs don't get worse with a partial evaluation.
pro: easy to implement
- abstractions are expensive
- abstractions loose precision
open question:
- how to select properties
The naive approach would be to abstract at every location, as it also stated in
\cite{Domenech19}. The advantage is that the implementation is easy. The
evaluated program is small and the analysis thereof fast. The disadvantage is
that a lot of evaluated control-flow is lost to the abstraction.
The property based abstraction abstraction presented in
\Sref{sec:propertybasedabstraction} requires $\Theta(n)$ calls to the
\gls{smt}-solver which is computationally expensive.
The primary goal of the presented \gls{cfr} via partial evaluation is to
evaluate overlapping loops in order to find easier to analyse smaller loops.
In practice, the control-flow of a loop is mostly linear. Abstracting the linear
control-flow could lead to two linear sections merging together which would
otherwise-stay separated and thus make finding tight bounds harder in the
\section{History Dependent Abstractions}
In \Sref{sec:partialevaluation} the abstraction the details of the abstraction
were omitted. Recall Definition \ref{def:abstraction}, an abstraction space must
be finite and the abstraction function must map any probability to elements of
this abstraction space. The abstraction function was kept simple, in order to
keep the proofs consise. In this section we will expand to take the evaluation
history into account, which opens the possibility for more refined abstraction
\subsection{Abstract Loop heads}\label{ssec:loopheads}
The second method proposed by \cite{Domenech19} is to abstract only on loop
heads. Termination is guaranteed since every infinite path in the evaluation
tree of a finite program must visit some loop (and in turn the head) an infinite
number of times. With only finitely many possible abstraction results, it is
guaranteed that at some point some version repeats and the evaluation
The exact definition of a loop head is unclear. For sake of termination it is
sufficient that every loop contains at least one (but possibly arbitrary)
location marked for abstraction. The intuitive candidate is the head of the loop
since that's the location where most branching will probably occur in practice.
For this implementation a loop head is defined as follows.
A \textit{loop head} of a loop is the first location of the loop encountered
during a depth-first search starting at the start location $l_0$.
\begin{definition}[History dependent abstraction]
A history dependent abstraction function is a function $\G \rightarrow$
When selecting all loop heads for abstraction, multiple loop heads can end up on
a single loop, for when the loop is overlapping with another loop.
In this section we will present the property-based abstraction
proposed by \citeauthor{Domenech19}\cite{Domenech19} for non-probabilistic
programs but which can be applied equally to probabilistic programs.
(see examples \todo{} \todo{}). Detecting loops and loop-heads is further
discussed in \Sref{sec:findingloops}.
\todo{prove upper bound on program size}
% Since
% In addition control-flow refinement was introduced to unroll loops in such a way
% that hidden branching is resolved. The heuristics presented by \cite{Domenech19}
% are focused on loops and the properties are selected for the loop heads.
% Constructing a heuristic, that is well suited for every location in the program
% is not obvious is left open for future work.
\subsection{Property based abstraction}\label{sec:propertybasedabstraction}
\section{Sub-\gls{scc} level evaluation}
For the sub-SCC level evaluation Algorithm \ref{alg:abstr_eval} is adapted to
stop the evaluation when leaving the component and instead of starting only from
the initial location of the program, the evaluation starts from every
entrytransition to the program. The exact algorithm is displayed in Algorithm
\caption{Evaluate the component $S \subseteq \T_\Prog$ of a Program $\Prog$
with abstraction $\alpha$.\label{alg:eval_component}}
\KwData{ A \gls{pip} $\Prog$, component $S$, abstraction function $\alpha$,
and abstraction oracle $S_\alpha$}
\KwResult{A Graph $G$, and a set of pairwise disjunct general transitions
$\GTG \subset \GT_\text{PE}$}
$\ET \leftarrow \Tout(S)$\;
$\GTG \leftarrow \emptyset$\;
\Fn{\FEvaluate{$G$, $v$}}{
$\langle l, \varphi\rangle \leftarrow v$\;
\For{$g \in \GTout(l)$} {
$g' \leftarrow \unfold^*(v, g)$\label{alg:abstr_line_unfold_g}\;
\If {$g^* \neq \emptyset$ \label{alg:abstr_line_filteremptyg}}{
$g^* \leftarrow \emptyset$\;
\For{$t = (v, p, \tau, \eta, \langle l', \varphi\rangle) \in g$}{
\uIf {$g \in \ET$} {
$t \leftarrow (v, p, \tau, \eta, \langle l',
\ElseIf {$S_\alpha$} {
$t \leftarrow (v, p, \tau, \eta, \langle l',
$g^* \leftarrow g^* + t$\label{alg:abstr_line_addtog}\;
\uIf {$v' \not\in V(G)$}{
$G \leftarrow G + t$\;
$G \leftarrow \FEvaluate{G, v'}$\;
\Else {
$G \leftarrow G + t$\label{alg:abstr_line_addt}\;
$\GTG \leftarrow \GTG + g^*$\;
\Return {$G$}
$G \leftarrow \text{ graph of }\Prog \text{ lifted to a partial evaluation
$G \leftarrow G - S$\;
\For{$t = (\ell, p, \tau, \eta, \ell')\in \Tin(S)$} {
$G \leftarrow \FEvaluate{$G, \langle\ell',\texttt{true}\rangle $}$ \;
\Return $G, \GTG$
The partial evaluation starts at every entry transition $\T_in(S)$ to the
component. When unfolding an exit transition $t = (\ell, \_, \_, \_, \ell') \in
\Tout(S)$ from a version $\langle \ell, \varphi\rangle$, to $\unfold^*(\langle
\ell, \varphi\rangle, t) = \{(\langle\ell,\varphi\rangle, \_, \_, \_,
\langle\ell', \varphi'\rangle)\}$ the target version
$\langle\ell',\varphi'\rangle$ is replaced by the trivial overapproximation
$\langle\ell',\texttt{true}\rangle$. This target is always already contained in
the program, by construction and the algorithm always backtracks.
Lets cosider an admissible finite prefix $f \in \fpath_\Prog$ with
f &= c_0c_1\dots{}c_k\dots{}c_m\dots{}c_n \\
\in S}\dots(\ell_n,t_n,s_n)
with an infix $c_m\dots{}c_k$ going through the component.
By construction, up to the component the partial evaluation $\Prog'$ contains a
similar prefix
\in \fpath_{\Prog'}$. The component is entered via the transition
$t_k\in\Tin(S)$ which is was used as a starting point for the evaluation with
the trivial version $\langle\ell_{k-1}, \texttt{true}\rangle$ in Algorithm
\ref{alg:eval_component}. By the same argument as in Theorem
\ref{thm:correctness}, a similar prefix
\in \fpath_{\Prog'}$ through the component exists in $\Prog'$. The exit
transition $t_m$ must have been unfolded before backtracking and afterwards the
similar prefix trivially follows the lifted versions again, yielding a similar
finite prefix
\in \fpath_{\Prog'}$.
For any finite prefix visiting the component more than once, the similar finite
prefix of $\Prog'$ is found by making the argument above multiple times.
\citeauthor{Domenech19} described the property based abstraction that
will be used for this algorithm. The idea is the following: the solution space
is cut into pieces by a finite number of constraints, the so called properties.
Then the abstraction computes which of those properties, are entailed by the
version. Those are chosen as abstract representation for the version. Since the
number of properties is finite, the powerset of properties is finite as well and
hence the number of all possible abstractions is too.
Also the abstraction is entailed by the version. \todo{rewrite}
\begin{definition}[Property based abstraction].
\todo{picture with properties}
Every abstraction is expensive, because it requires numerous entailement checks
(depending on the number of properties), wich require each a call to a
SAT-checker. The more properties are chose the more precise the abstraction
get's but the more expensive the computation is. Choosing the relevant
properties for the loops is done heuristically and will be described in the
following subsection.
motivate abstraction
Selecting the locations to abstract is crucial for good implementation. From a
theoretical point of view the selection of locations to abstract guarantees
termination of the control-flow refinement. Yet, with every abstraction the
refined program looses precision compared to the evaluated control-flow. In the
following some different possibilities to select the locations marked for
abstractions are discussed.
Finding loops in a program can be done with the algorithm described by
The algorithm is linear in the number of edges in the graph, specifically
$\mathcal{O}(n+e (c+1))$
\subsection{Feedback Vertex Set}
As stated in the previous section \Sref{ssec:loopheads}, it is sufficient to
find only a set of locations that cover every loop in the program. The problem
is one of Karp's 21 NP-complete problems and
commonly called \textit{Feedback Vertex Set} or \textit{Feedback Node Set}\cite{karp2010reducibility}.
\begin{definition}[Feedback Vertex Set Problem]
Given a directed graph $G = (V, E)$. Find the minimal subset $R \subseteq
V$ such that every (directed) cycle of $G$ contains a node in $R$.
Detecting all loops(cycles) in a graph can be done easily done with an
algorithm describe\gls{dfs} on
the graph. And the problem can instead be formulated as a hitting set problem.
\begin{definition}[Hitting Set Problem]
Given a finite collection of finite sets $S = \{S_1, \dots, S_n\}$, where
each $S_i \subseteq U$ for some set $U$, find a minimal set $R$ such that
$R\intersect S_i \neq \emptyset$ for all $i = 1,\dots,n$.
A hitting set problem can be formulated as a \gls{ilp} and solved by readily
available \gls{smt} solvers. Recall definition \ref{def:loop}. In the following
the \gls{ilp} used for finding the feedback vertex set of an integer program
with locations $L$ and a total of $N$ loops $a_1, \dots, a_N$ is constructed. It
is assumed that all loops have been found by \gls{dfs} as described in
{}{\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i\label{eq:lip1-goal}}{\label{eq:ilp-vfs}}{}
\addConstraint{\sum_{i : l_i \in \text{Loc}(a_j)} x_i}{\geq
0,\protect\quad\label{eq:lip1-hit}}{j = 1,\dots,N}
\addConstraint{ x_i }{\leq 1,\protect\quad\label{eq:ilp-leq1}}{i = 1,\dots,n}
\addConstraint{ x_i }{\geq 0,\protect\quad\label{eq:ilp-geq0}}{i = 1,\dots,n}
Every variable $x_i$ of the \gls{ilp} \ref{eq:ilp-vfs} indicates if a location
is part of the hitting set in which case the variable is assigned to 1, or not
in which case the variable is assigned the value 0. The constraints
\ref{eq:ilp-hit} guarantees that every loop is \enquote{hit}, while
\ref{eq:ilp-leq1} and \ref{eq:ilp-geq0} enforce that every location is only
selected at most once. The optimization goal \ref{eq:ilp-vfs} being to select
the fewest locations possible.
Computing the feedback vertex set of a program is independent of the partial
evaluation and can be done a-priori. It is thus considered to be an offline
method. It shall be noted that the locations inside the feedback vertex set do
not need to be the closed location to the start location of a loop. For
determination of properties it might be necessary to rotate the loop so that the
marked locations are the first location in the loop.
\todo{prove upper bound on program size}
We have seen two offline strategies to select locations for abstraction. In the
following we will introduce a technique that decides on abstraction during
partial evaluation using the path evaluated. The technique counts the number of
occurences on the path for every location in the program. Instead of abstracting
on first re-occurrence, one can decide on a parameter $k \in \N$ resulting in
the first $k$ re-occurrences to be ignored before abstracting.
The idea is to unroll loops up to a constant number of times so that loops with
constant bounds $b \leq k$ are perfectly unrolled without any abstraction.
\todo{example with constantly bounded loop}
\todo{formalize, prove upper bound on program size}
- online
- daikstra during traversal
- takes unreachable loops into account
- allows for some constantly bounded loops to be perfectly unrolled.
- hard to implement
- hard to reason on
\section{Choosing properties}
\begin{definition}[Equivalent \glspl{pip}]
Let $\Prog_1,\Prog_2$ be \glspl{pip} with $\Prog_1 = (\PV, \Loc_1, \GT_1,
l_0)$, $\Prog_2 = (\PV, \Loc_2, \GT_2, l_0)$ and their respective
probability spaces $(\runs_1, \F_1, \PrSs^1)$ and $(\runs_2, \F_2,
\PrSs^2)$. Besides $\T_1$ and $\T_2$ denote the set of transitions of
$\Prog_1$ and $\Prog_2$; $\fpath_1$ and $\fpath_2$ the set of finite paths,
The two programs are equivalent if the two random variables $\Rt_{\Prog_1}$
and $\Rt_{\Prog_2}$ have the same probability distributions $\mu_1$ and
$\mu_2$ with $\mu_1(k) = \mu_2(k)$ for all $k\in\overline{\N}$.
If $\Prog_1$ and $\Prog_2$ are equivalent then:
\item A total runtime-complexity bound for the $\Prog_1$ is a total
runtime complexity bound for $\Prog_2$ and vice-versa.
\item $\Prog_1$ and $\Prog_2$ have the same expected runtime-complexity.
Let $\RB_P$
The probability distribution doesn't care about the underlying probability
space making it the perfect tool to compare the semantics of two different
We will show the partial evaluation $\Prog'$ is equivalent to the original
\gls{pip} $\Prog$. In a first step we will show that for every admissible finite
prefix in $\Prog$ there exists an admissible finite prefix in $\Prog'$ with the
same probability and intermediate states and vice versa. This in turn will be
expanded for all admissible runs and finally we will show that this proves an
equal probability distribution of the total runtime complexity.
\subsection{Considering probability}
During this section the fact that programs are probabilistic has been completely
ignored. One could wonder if loops with zero probability should be removed in
order to further shrink the problem. We will assume that all transitions with
zero probability have been removed before the analysis. All other transitions
with a non-zero probability are walkable in theory and will be unfolded by the
partial evaluation. Hence they must be considered for the set of abstracted
locations in order to guarantee termination of the algorithm.
If a path has should result in a zero-probability, this could be filtered during
partial evaluation.
\section{Partial evaluation of \gls{scc}s}
During \gls{koat}s analysis the program is split into \glspl{scc}. Bounds are
found for every \gls{scc} separately and then composed into an overall bound at
the end. Control-flow refinement is only needed for those \glspl{scc} where the
analysis fails to find tight bounds. In practice, linear bounds are considered
tight enough, whereas polynomial and exponential complexity bounds warrant
refinement in hope for tighter bounds.
The previously presented control-flow refinement starts at the start locations
and evaluates the whole program. The size of the refined program is limited by
the number of locations and transitions as well as the number of properties on
each abstracted location. The smaller the initial program, the faster the
control-flow, the refined program and subsequent analysis. Instead of evaluating
the program, one can adapt the partial evaluate to only evaluate a single
\gls{scc} of the program. This section presents the partial evaluation of an
The result is again an entire program, where only transitions the \gls{scc}, and
incoming and outgoing transitions to this \gls{scc} are changed.
In a first step the program is copied as a whole, lifted to a trivial evaluation
graph and the \gls{scc}, and all incoming and outgoing transitions are removed
from the copy.
Then the evaluation algorithm is executed from every incoming transition, but
with the additional condition to backtrack after unfolding an exiting
transition. The new transitions are added into the copied evaluation graph and
therefore progress made by earlier evaluations of entry transitions can be
reused, shortening the evaluation of succeeding incoming transitions.
Finally, the evaluation graph is converted back to a \gls{pip} and returned as
result of the partial evaluation of the \gls{scc}.
\caption{The original program}
\caption{Copy and lift}
\caption{Remove SCC}
\caption{Evaluate entry transitions}
\caption{Visualization of partial evaluation for a single
\caption{$evaluate_{SCC}(P, A)$}
\KwData{ A PIP $P$, a \gls{scc} $A\subset\T$ }
\KwResult{A Graph $G$}
$\Tin \leftarrow \Tin(A)$\;
$\Tout \leftarrow \Tout(A)$\;
\Fn{\FEvaluate{$G$, $v$, $t$}}{
$N = \unfold^*(v)$\;
\For{$t = (v, \tau, \eta, p, v') \in N $}{
\uIf {$(l_v, \tau, \eta,p, l_{v'}) \in \Tout$}{
$G \leftarrow G + (v, \tau, \eta, p, \langle v_{l'},
\uElseIf {$v' \not\in G$}{
$G \leftarrow G + t$\;
$G \leftarrow evaluate(P, G, v')$\;
\Else {
$G \leftarrow G + t$\;
\Return {$G$}
$G \leftarrow \text{lift}(P - A - \Tin - \Tout)$\;
\For{$t_i = (l_\text{i}, \_, \_ ,\_, l_\text{i}') \in \Tin $}{
$ G \leftarrow \text{evaluate}(P, G, \langle l_i, \textit{true}\rangle,
\Return {$G$}\;
- probability is not important for finding loops.
- all transitions that exist have a non-zero probability and hence are
walkable in theory
- assume the abstraction method cuts every cycle
- only finitely many abstractions exist
-> the partial evaluation graph is finite
-> the algorithm terminates
- the abstraction is entailed by the state
- every walkable path in the program/scc exists in the partial evaluation
\section{Refining invariants}
because we use polyhedra instead of boxes, our invariants are probably
tighter than the original ones. When this is the case replace them in the
\todo{continue here}
% Let $\mathfrak{I} = ()$ be the
% structure of
% \begin{definition}[Satisfiability\cite{barwise1977}]\label{def:satisfiability}
% For a domain $A$ and a structure $\mathfrak{A} = (A, +, \cdot, 0, 1, \leq,
% <, =)$ we say a variable assignment $\beta: \V \rightarrow A$
% \textit{satisfies} the formula $\phi \in \Phi$ when $\mathfrak{A}, \beta
% \models \psi$.
% $\phi $ is \textit{satisfiable} in when an assignment $\beta: \V \rightarrow
% A$ exists such that $\mathfrak{A},\beta\models \phi$. When $\phi$ is
% satisfiable for any assignments, one writes $\mathfrak{A} \models \phi$.
% \end{definition}
\gls{fo} logic.\cite{barwise1977}
In this thesis we will only consider integer arithmetic. Let $\Zs := (\Z, +,
\cdot, 0, 1, \leq, <, =)$ be the structure standard integer arithmetic. For an
assignment $\beta : \V \rightarrow \Z$ and a formula $\varphi \in \Phi$ we write
$\beta \models \varphi$ instead of $\Zs, \beta \models \varphi$.
\gls{fo} logic.\cite{barwise1977} In this thesis we will only consider integer
arithmetic. Let $\Zs := (\Z, +, \cdot, 0, 1, \leq, <, =)$ be the structure of
standard integer arithmetic. For an assignment $\beta : \V \rightarrow \Z$ and a
formula $\varphi \in \Phi$ we write $\beta \models \varphi$ instead of $\Zs,
\beta \models \varphi$. Finally, we define two trivial formulas $\texttt{true}
= (0 = 0)$ and $\texttt{false} = (1 < 0)$
valid variable assignments for a given formula is part of \gls{smt} and is well
researched. The theories relevant for this thesis are the quantifier-free
linear integer arithmetic (usually called \texttt{QF\_LIA}) and the
quantifier-free non-linear integer arithmetic (\texttt{QF\_NIA}).
valid variable assignments for a given formula is part of \gls{smt} and is a
well studied field in computer science.\cite{walsh2009smt,abraham17smt} The
theories relevant for this thesis are the quantifier-free linear integer
arithmetic (usually called \texttt{QF\_LIA}) and the quantifier-free non-linear
integer arithmetic (\texttt{QF\_NIA}).
We use a graphical representation of programs, as shown in
\fref{fig:ex_pip_nd}. Updates are assign a value to every program variable,
however for better readability, the updates that preserve the value of a program
variable are omitted.
We use a graphical representation of programs, as shown in \fref{fig:ex_pip_nd}.
Updates assign a value to every program variable, however for better
readability, the updates that preserve the value of a program variable are
transition $t_2$ contains an update with a temporary $t$ variable.
Furthermore, the temporary variable is constraint to $1 \leq t \leq 3$.
Since the temporary variable $t$ is not bound in the state $s: \PV
\rightarrow \Z$, the variable can take any arbitrary value.
Whenever a temporary variable is sampled to a value not satisfying the
guard of $t_2$ and x is larger than zero, the program would terminate.
transition $t_2$ contains an update with a temporary $u$ variable.
Furthermore, the temporary variable is constraint to $1 \leq u \leq 3$. The
value of temporary variable $u$ in the state $s: \PV \rightarrow \Z$ is
ignored. It can have an arbitrary value for the purpose of fulfilling the
guard and when being used in the update. Whenever a temporary variable is
sampled to a value not satisfying the guard of $t_2$ and x is larger than
zero, the program would terminate.
For a \gls{pip} one can define a probability space $(\runs_\Prog, \F, \PrSs)$, where
the outcomes of the probabilistic experiment are the runs on the program. Every
distinct run is measurable hence the $\sigma$-algebra $\F$ is defined to contain
every set $\{r\} \in \F$ for $r \in \runs_\Prog$. The probability measure $\PrSs$
describes the probability of the given run for a scheduler $\scheduler$ and the
input given to the program as the initial state $s_0$. Formally the probability
space is defined by a cylindrical construction expanding the length of finite
prefixes up to infinity. For the detailed construction we'll refer to
For a \gls{pip} one can define a probability space $(\runs_\Prog, \F, \PrSs)$,
where the outcomes of the probabilistic experiment are the runs on the program.
Every distinct run is measurable hence the $\sigma$-algebra $\F$ is defined to
contain every set $\{r\} \in \F$ for $r \in \runs_\Prog$. The probability
measure $\PrSs$ describes the probability of the given run for a scheduler
$\scheduler$ and the input given to the program as the initial state $s_0$.
Formally the probability space is defined by a cylindrical construction
expanding the length of finite prefixes up to infinity. For the detailed
construction we'll refer to \citeauthor{meyer2021tacas}\cite{meyer2021tacas}.
variable $x\in\PV$ is updated to the value $s'(x)$ by the probabilistic update -
recall definition \ref{def:prob_update}, third that the temporary variables are
sampled by the scheduler equal to the target state. The result is the
variable $x\in\PV$ is updated to the value $s'(x)$ by the probabilistic update
-- recall Definition \ref{def:prob_update}, third that the temporary variables
are sampled by the scheduler equal to the target state. The result is the
% \begin{definition}[Reachability]\def{def:reachability}
% Let $l, l' \in \Loc_\Prog$, $t,t' \in \T_\Prog$, and $s,s' \in \Sigma$. A
% configuration $c' = (l', t', s')$ is \textit{reachable} from $c = (l, t, s)$
% if and only if there exists a scheduler $\scheduler \in \MDS$ and starting
% state $s_0 \in \Sigma$ for which $\prSs(c \rightarrow c') > 0$.
% \end{definition}
% Let $l, l' \in \Loc_\Prog$, $t,t' \in \T_\Prog$, $s,s' \in \Sigma$, and $c'
% = (l', t', s')$ as well as $c = (l, t, s)$. Let $t = (\_, \_, \tau, \eta,
% \_)$. When $c'$ is reachable from $c$ this implies:
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item $s \models \tau$
% \end{enumerate}
% \begin{proof}
% \end{proof}
% \begin{lemma}
% If a
% \end{lemma}
The primary goal of \gls{koat}'s analysis is to find bounds for the
runtime complexity bounds. A bound is an expression that describes the upper
bound of the costs or runtime complexity the program.
The primary goal of \gls{koat}'s analysis is to find bounds for the runtime
$\Prog$ with locations $V(\S)= \set{\ell, \ell'}{(\ell, \_, \_, \_,\ell') \in
\S}$. A component $\S \subseteq \T_\Prog$ is \emph{strongly connected} when
for every two locations $\ell, \ell' \in V(\S)$ there exists a path between
the two using only the transitions from $\S$.
$\Prog$ with locations $V(\S)= \set{\ell, \ell'}{(\ell, \_, \_, \_,\ell')
\in \S}$. A component $\S \subseteq \T_\Prog$ is \emph{strongly connected}
when for every two locations $\ell, \ell' \in V(\S)$ there exists a path
between the two using only the transitions from $\S$.
strongly related to the search for upper and lower runtime complexity bounds, is
equally undecidable. Nevertheless, the answers to those questions are very
important in practice. For example a compiler might want to warn the programmer
about faulty code sections that were not marked explicitly to run indefinitely,
or the developer could be forced to prove the efficiency of his program in
critical scenarios. In an ever more complex world, with ever more complex
algorithms, the need for automatic tools arised. Even though the question for
runtime-complexity can not be answered in a general case, many tools were
developed to automatically analyze the complexity of various programming
paradigms as tight and fast as possible.
\cite{giesl2017aprove, montoya2014aplas,alarcon2017muterm,irankfinder2018wst}
strongly related to the search for upper and lower runtime complexity bounds,
which is equally undecidable. Nevertheless, the answers to those questions are
very important in practice. For example a compiler might want to warn the
programmer about faulty code sections that were not marked explicitly to run
indefinitely, or the developer could be forced to prove the efficiency of his
program in critical scenarios. In an ever more complex world, with ever more
complex algorithms, the need for automatic tools arised. Even though the
question for runtime-complexity can not be answered in a general case, many
tools were developed to automatically analyze the complexity of various
programming paradigms as tight and fast as possible. \cite{giesl2017aprove,